Above is one of the pieces I have available on display and for purchase (prints, gifts, apparel) at http://katie_eriksen.fototime.com/welcome .
Photography has been a hobby since my sister got me my first camera. I didn't have a whole lot of success with it but it was fun! I can't remember actively thinking about it until I had the opportunity to take the course in high school and it fascinated me. I remember wondering how some people could try and fit photography, or art for that matter, in a box. The 'traditionalist' photographers said it had to be done one way and only one way. Portraits were a big deal. But didn't God create everything in beauty? As far as I'm concerned, you can't do one thing in this world without it being classified as an art. Construction, mining, teaching, you name it and then research it. You will find there is something beautiful in absolutely everything. God painted it, He sculpted it, He dotted the "i's" and crossed the "t's" The photographer simply puts it in a frame.