Testimonies... ashamed." Psalms 119:46 many people for Christ. It is as if God has sent His angel before each radio and prepared the way. The following are some stories of what just one radio can do in the hands of a Mighty God: Galcom radios in Haiti fix-tuned to 4VEH Christian radio in Cape Haitian as part of Operation Saturation Haiti. During a recent trip to Haiti they decided to follow the steps of just one radio to access the results of the Galcom Go-Ye radio outreach. Here is what was reported by Gene Bertolet, OpSat Prayer Coordinator: Men for Missions group was to follow the steps of one radio which had been given to an EE technician, who in turn had given the solar powered radio to her father. After listening to Radio 4VEH for about three months, her father accepted Jesus as his Savior. He then gave the radio to his friend, a witch doctor. The witch doctor, too, accepted the Lord. home of her father, about 45 minutes away. As the father gave his clear testimony others gathered around. After two hours 17 more people had accepted the Lord.
minute walk through the countryside into a valley. As they came up to his home, there was a white cloth covered table with a Galcom solar- powered radio in the middle of it. his guests. Once again they heard a clear testimony of salvation. He said, 'No one comes to me as a witch doctor anymore, for they know I have accepted Jesus.' Twelve of his thirteen children had accepted Christ, but not his wife. As people gathered around, one of our team walked over to the witch doctor's wife who was shelling corn. In a caring manner he talked to her and others nearby. At the close of their time together, five more had accepted the Lord, including the witch doctor's wife. "One of the team members said, 'As I think about Operation Saturation - from this one radio, 36 people accepted the Lord. What an investment.' And this all happened within the space of four months. " |